Special Announcements

Town Decals

Dublin Town Decals have been extended until June 30, 2020. Questions please call 540-674-4731

COVID-19 Information

March 19, 2020

Please be advised of the following measurers The Town of Dublin has engaged in to hlep keep our citizens and personnel safe:

  • Encourage the public to utilize email, regular mail, telephones, teleconferencing, and other appropriate communication platforms to limit face-to-face interactions with town staff as they continue to be of service to the public.
  • Temporarily closed Treasurers Office at Dublin Town Hall effective - 03-19-20
  • Focusing the town's custodial services on routine disinfection of public spaces effective - 03-19-20

The employees will be sensibly limiting interactions with the public when and where possible, and will provide public service announcements, pertinant information and public meeting updates on our Town website at : www.dublintown.org

In response to the Commonwealth of Virginia's State of Emerbency status resulting from the CORONAVIRUS, Town of Dublin is encouraging our citizens to follow recommendations from the Virginia Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and practice social distancing and good hand hygiene.

Water & Sewer

In the event of a water break or sewer blockage after Town Office hours, call 540-980-7800

Attention Homeowners/Landlords

The Fire Marshal is requesting that all Houses/Apartments have their house numbers displayed on the front of the residence near the front door and numbers must be at least 5 inches in height.

New Garbage Schedule

Beginning January 2, 2020, garbage collection for In-Town residents of the Town of Dublin (3 digits or less house/business number) will be changing from a five day collection service to a three day collection service.

If your garbage is normally collected on Tuesday's, beginning January 2, 2020, it will now be collected on Monday's along with Monday's garbage.

If your garbage is normally collected on Thursday's, beginning January 2, 2020, it will now be collected on Wednesdays along with Wednesday's garbage.

Dumpsters will continue to be emptied on Fridays

We ask that you please be patient with us during this transition period.